Helping Companies Hire The Best Drivers FAST... Guaranteed!

Take control of your perfect recruiting process to consistently grow your fleet without relying on crowded job boards or expensive recruitment agencies.

Helping Companies Hire The Best Drivers FAST... Guaranteed!

Take control of your perfect recruiting process to consistently grow your fleet without relying on crowded job boards or expensive recruitment agencies.

Download Our Rocket Recruiting Template

Easy 4 Step Roadmap To Double Your Fleet in 2024

Download Our Rocket Recruiting Template

Easy 4 Step Roadmap To

Double Your Fleet in 2024

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Access The Entire

Driver Pool

No more relying only on the job boards. Easily access all the drivers in your market by launching ads in minutes that have been proven to work and generate over 80,000 leads.

"It's been just 1 week and we already have 4 interviewed drivers with confirmed interest including a lead driver with 7 others pending in the Savannah area."

Logan P.

Save Time and Focus On Qualified Candidates

Reduce wasted time on unqualified candidates by filtering them out and instantly engage with your qualified candidates. The largest processor of driver applications did a study to find that you are 30% more likely to hire a driver if you respond within 5 minutes. Qualified applicants will show up on your calendar asking you to call them and give them an interview.

“With your system, it does it for us, making our job a little easier. We couldn’t keep up with all the candidates we have without your follow up system. Most of our tenured drivers are because of your follow up system."

Jasmynn F.

Lower Your Cost Per Hire by Building Your Waitlist

As the saying goes, fortune is in the followup.

By building your own company database of drivers and storing it in your system, you have permission to message them at will free of charge because you own this database. Next time you need to fill a position, use your own database rather than relying on someone else’s advertising platform or a crowded job board.

“Robert had a list of 300 drivers built up in his waiting list. Using ALIS, he sent out a message to them and had 25 interviews scheduled almost instantly for free and filled his position in 2 days. "

Access The Entire

Driver Pool

No more relying only on the job boards. Easily access all the drivers in your market by launching ads in minutes that have been proven to work and generate over 80,000 leads.

"It's been just 1 week and we already have 4 interviewed drivers with confirmed interest including a lead driver with 7 others pending in the Savannah area."

Logan P.

Save Time and Focus On Qualified Candidates

Reduce wasted time on unqualified candidates by filtering them out and instantly engage with your qualified candidates. The largest processor of driver applications did a study to find that you are 30% more likely to hire a driver if you respond within 5 minutes. Qualified applicants will show up on your calendar asking you to call them and give them an interview.

“With your system, it does it for us, making our job a little easier. We couldn’t keep up with all the candidates we have without your follow up system. Most of our tenured drivers are because of your follow up system."

Jasmynn F.

Lower Your Cost Per Hire by Building Your Waitlist

As the saying goes, fortune is in the followup.

By building your own company database of drivers and storing it in your system, you have permission to message them at will free of charge because you own this database. Next time you need to fill a position, use your own database rather than relying on someone else’s advertising platform or a crowded job board.

“Robert had a list of 300 drivers built up in his waiting list. Using ALIS, he sent out a message to them and had 25 interviews scheduled almost instantly for free and filled his position in 2 days. "

Latest Blog Posts

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

June 26, 20243 min read

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

I was recently talking to some people from around the globe. It was 8 am for me but 8 pm for them. I made a comment about how I can't wrap my head around how big the world is and the individual lives of everyone in it.

We were both there, experiencing life together (somewhat), but while they were ending their day, I was starting mine. It struck me how everyone in the entire world has their own life going on around them simultaneously at different times of day, yet at the same time.

Then I was educated by a coworker about a new word - SONDER. This new word describes exactly the realization I was having.

Fast forward a couple hours and it occurred to me how this new word “sonder” is very relevant to recruiting and when you understand it - your recruiting will become more effective.

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

In this article, you will learn:

  • How understanding "sonder" can improve your recruitment discussions.

  • How to apply this in your recruiting efforts.

  • The benefits of empathetic recruiting for trucking companies.

Understanding "Sonder" and Its Impact on Recruiting

The term "sonder" refers to the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own, in which they are the central character and you are merely a background figure. I think of it as “the world revolves around me.” That is true for you…and it’s ALSO true for the candidate you are talking to.

And there’s a harder truth to accept. At this moment of talking to the candidate for the first time, YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT TO THEM.

In recruitment, it's easy to focus on the company's needs, your own schedule, and overlook the candidate's perspective. However, by understanding that each candidate sees themselves as the main character in their own story, you can tailor your approach to make them feel valued and understood.

This isn’t hard either. When talking to candidates, instead of jumping straight into company benefits and job requirements, just start by asking about the candidate's current job and career aspirations, challenges, and what they value most in a job.

This approach builds rapport FAST because your candidate is talking about their favorite topic - themselves. It also uncovers valuable insights that can help align the job offer with the candidate's needs.

If all you can do is find one simple pain point they’ve experienced in their career, and you can solve that problem with your job offer - your success will dramatically improve.

Benefits of Empathetic Recruiting for Trucking Companies
Adopting empathetic recruiting strategies offers several benefits for trucking companies:

  • Faster time to hire: When a driver feels understood and valued, they are more likely to move forward with the application process quickly.

  • Improved Retention Rates: When candidates feel understood and valued, they are more likely to stay with the company.

  • Better Candidate-Job Matches: Understanding candidates' needs and aspirations allows recruiters to place them in roles where they can thrive or skip over the candidate.

  • Enhanced Company Reputation: positive candidate experiences can lead to word-of-mouth referrals and a stronger employer brand.

We recently worked with one of our clients on doing this better. Within the first week of implementing this, they already started having more success with the micro-interviews that they had auto-scheduled on the calendar.

Empathetic recruiting strategies, grounded in the concept of "sonder," can revolutionize the way you engage with candidates. By focusing on and remembering that the most important person in your candidate's life is themselves, you will create a more positive and effective recruitment process.

Need more candidates on your calendar to practice empathetic recruiting?

We offer a tool that will find and auto-schedule dozens of micro-interviews on your calendar each week.


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Latest Blog Posts

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

June 26, 20243 min read

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

I was recently talking to some people from around the globe. It was 8 am for me but 8 pm for them. I made a comment about how I can't wrap my head around how big the world is and the individual lives of everyone in it.

We were both there, experiencing life together (somewhat), but while they were ending their day, I was starting mine. It struck me how everyone in the entire world has their own life going on around them simultaneously at different times of day, yet at the same time.

Then I was educated by a coworker about a new word - SONDER. This new word describes exactly the realization I was having.

Fast forward a couple hours and it occurred to me how this new word “sonder” is very relevant to recruiting and when you understand it - your recruiting will become more effective.

Sonder And The Effect It Has On Recruiting

In this article, you will learn:

  • How understanding "sonder" can improve your recruitment discussions.

  • How to apply this in your recruiting efforts.

  • The benefits of empathetic recruiting for trucking companies.

Understanding "Sonder" and Its Impact on Recruiting

The term "sonder" refers to the realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own, in which they are the central character and you are merely a background figure. I think of it as “the world revolves around me.” That is true for you…and it’s ALSO true for the candidate you are talking to.

And there’s a harder truth to accept. At this moment of talking to the candidate for the first time, YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT TO THEM.

In recruitment, it's easy to focus on the company's needs, your own schedule, and overlook the candidate's perspective. However, by understanding that each candidate sees themselves as the main character in their own story, you can tailor your approach to make them feel valued and understood.

This isn’t hard either. When talking to candidates, instead of jumping straight into company benefits and job requirements, just start by asking about the candidate's current job and career aspirations, challenges, and what they value most in a job.

This approach builds rapport FAST because your candidate is talking about their favorite topic - themselves. It also uncovers valuable insights that can help align the job offer with the candidate's needs.

If all you can do is find one simple pain point they’ve experienced in their career, and you can solve that problem with your job offer - your success will dramatically improve.

Benefits of Empathetic Recruiting for Trucking Companies
Adopting empathetic recruiting strategies offers several benefits for trucking companies:

  • Faster time to hire: When a driver feels understood and valued, they are more likely to move forward with the application process quickly.

  • Improved Retention Rates: When candidates feel understood and valued, they are more likely to stay with the company.

  • Better Candidate-Job Matches: Understanding candidates' needs and aspirations allows recruiters to place them in roles where they can thrive or skip over the candidate.

  • Enhanced Company Reputation: positive candidate experiences can lead to word-of-mouth referrals and a stronger employer brand.

We recently worked with one of our clients on doing this better. Within the first week of implementing this, they already started having more success with the micro-interviews that they had auto-scheduled on the calendar.

Empathetic recruiting strategies, grounded in the concept of "sonder," can revolutionize the way you engage with candidates. By focusing on and remembering that the most important person in your candidate's life is themselves, you will create a more positive and effective recruitment process.

Need more candidates on your calendar to practice empathetic recruiting?

We offer a tool that will find and auto-schedule dozens of micro-interviews on your calendar each week.


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Download Our Rocket Recruiting Template

Easy 4 Step Roadmap To

Double Your Fleet in 2024