Helping Companies Hire The Best Drivers FAST... Guaranteed!

Take control of your perfect recruiting process to consistently grow your fleet without relying on crowded job boards or expensive recruitment agencies.

Helping Companies Hire The Best Drivers FAST... Guaranteed!

Take control of your perfect recruiting process to consistently grow your fleet without relying on crowded job boards or expensive recruitment agencies.

Download Our Rocket Recruiting Template

Easy 4 Step Roadmap To Double Your Fleet in 2024

Download Our Rocket Recruiting Template

Easy 4 Step Roadmap To

Double Your Fleet in 2024

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Access The Entire

Driver Pool

No more relying only on the job boards. Easily access all the drivers in your market by launching ads in minutes that have been proven to work and generate over 80,000 leads.

"It's been just 1 week and we already have 4 interviewed drivers with confirmed interest including a lead driver with 7 others pending in the Savannah area."

Logan P.

Save Time and Focus On Qualified Candidates

Reduce wasted time on unqualified candidates by filtering them out and instantly engage with your qualified candidates. The largest processor of driver applications did a study to find that you are 30% more likely to hire a driver if you respond within 5 minutes. Qualified applicants will show up on your calendar asking you to call them and give them an interview.

“With your system, it does it for us, making our job a little easier. We couldn’t keep up with all the candidates we have without your follow up system. Most of our tenured drivers are because of your follow up system."

Jasmynn F.

Lower Your Cost Per Hire by Building Your Waitlist

As the saying goes, fortune is in the followup.

By building your own company database of drivers and storing it in your system, you have permission to message them at will free of charge because you own this database. Next time you need to fill a position, use your own database rather than relying on someone else’s advertising platform or a crowded job board.

“Robert had a list of 300 drivers built up in his waiting list. Using ALIS, he sent out a message to them and had 25 interviews scheduled almost instantly for free and filled his position in 2 days. "

Access The Entire

Driver Pool

No more relying only on the job boards. Easily access all the drivers in your market by launching ads in minutes that have been proven to work and generate over 80,000 leads.

"It's been just 1 week and we already have 4 interviewed drivers with confirmed interest including a lead driver with 7 others pending in the Savannah area."

Logan P.

Save Time and Focus On Qualified Candidates

Reduce wasted time on unqualified candidates by filtering them out and instantly engage with your qualified candidates. The largest processor of driver applications did a study to find that you are 30% more likely to hire a driver if you respond within 5 minutes. Qualified applicants will show up on your calendar asking you to call them and give them an interview.

“With your system, it does it for us, making our job a little easier. We couldn’t keep up with all the candidates we have without your follow up system. Most of our tenured drivers are because of your follow up system."

Jasmynn F.

Lower Your Cost Per Hire by Building Your Waitlist

As the saying goes, fortune is in the followup.

By building your own company database of drivers and storing it in your system, you have permission to message them at will free of charge because you own this database. Next time you need to fill a position, use your own database rather than relying on someone else’s advertising platform or a crowded job board.

“Robert had a list of 300 drivers built up in his waiting list. Using ALIS, he sent out a message to them and had 25 interviews scheduled almost instantly for free and filled his position in 2 days. "

Latest Blog Posts

Sending a Marriage App Before First Date?

Sending a Marriage App Before First Date?

April 23, 20243 min read

I sent a marriage app before the first date

Imagine receiving a marriage proposal before even going on your first date. Sounds absurd, right? Yet, in the trucking industry, this same type of thing is happening every day…

Let Me Explain

Imagine this. I’m on a dating app and find someone I like based on their little description and picture. The connection is mutual, so we decided to schedule our first blind date.

Then, me being so excited, I take a unique approach to move this relationship along faster and make sure it can end up where I want - MARRIAGE.

So, before even meeting the date or talking outside of some texts, I send her a marriage proposal and application. Afterall, I want to be very upfront about what I’m looking for and I also want to make sure she is qualified.

I mean, we’re talking the whole 9 yards here. I’m going to run a background check, drug test - I gotta make sure she’s going to be safe in my home when we get married.

Besides, if she doesn’t fill it out, I’ll see that she lacks commitment anyway.

So surprisingly, she didn’t fill it out. Then I still showed up for the date at 6 on Friday…and I had dinner alone and never heard from her again.

I don’t know why, I’m a very pleasant guy.


No dating scenario ever goes like that!!! - EVER!!! (if you got married that way, please reply and tell me about it)

Yet, in our rush to recruit drivers, this is what some people are doing. Let’s break this down in steps.

  1. Driver sees a picture of your truck and a short description about you online

  2. Driver is intrigued and clicks the interested button, or sends you a resume

  3. You send the full DOT application requesting years of employment history, everywhere they’ve lived, and enough information to clone this human.

  4. A couple drivers fill it out and you are frustrated because none of them are qualified.

I just want to throw this out there, when put in this context and thinking about this logically…If a driver is so desperate for work that he or she is willing to fill out that application before actually talking to me and knowing what my company is about, they might not be the best fit driver for me.

Besides, that application does nothing to tell you about how they will fit in with your culture and if they will be pleasant to work with. Only having a conversation will tell you that.

Marriage Contract Image

Let’s look at a new approach

  1. Driver sees a picture of your truck and a short description about you online

  2. Driver is intrigued and clicks the interested button, or sends you a resume

  3. You immediately reach out via SMS and call to schedule an informal chat (kinda like a first date).

  4. On that first call, you provide some detailed information, get to know the driver a bit, and make sure they are qualified.

  5. THEN…assuming you like them, you send the full DOT application.

As we’ve worked with dozens of companies, switching to this approach helps get more filled apps, fill seats faster with QUALITY drivers, and eventually leads to higher retention rates.

We call this new approach AMP Recruiting™ and has been the foundation for all the fastest growing fleets and fully staffed companies that we’ve had the pleasure of working with, or talking to.

If you want to learn more, or see how it will work for you-


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Latest Blog Posts

Sending a Marriage App Before First Date?

Sending a Marriage App Before First Date?

April 23, 20243 min read

I sent a marriage app before the first date

Imagine receiving a marriage proposal before even going on your first date. Sounds absurd, right? Yet, in the trucking industry, this same type of thing is happening every day…

Let Me Explain

Imagine this. I’m on a dating app and find someone I like based on their little description and picture. The connection is mutual, so we decided to schedule our first blind date.

Then, me being so excited, I take a unique approach to move this relationship along faster and make sure it can end up where I want - MARRIAGE.

So, before even meeting the date or talking outside of some texts, I send her a marriage proposal and application. Afterall, I want to be very upfront about what I’m looking for and I also want to make sure she is qualified.

I mean, we’re talking the whole 9 yards here. I’m going to run a background check, drug test - I gotta make sure she’s going to be safe in my home when we get married.

Besides, if she doesn’t fill it out, I’ll see that she lacks commitment anyway.

So surprisingly, she didn’t fill it out. Then I still showed up for the date at 6 on Friday…and I had dinner alone and never heard from her again.

I don’t know why, I’m a very pleasant guy.


No dating scenario ever goes like that!!! - EVER!!! (if you got married that way, please reply and tell me about it)

Yet, in our rush to recruit drivers, this is what some people are doing. Let’s break this down in steps.

  1. Driver sees a picture of your truck and a short description about you online

  2. Driver is intrigued and clicks the interested button, or sends you a resume

  3. You send the full DOT application requesting years of employment history, everywhere they’ve lived, and enough information to clone this human.

  4. A couple drivers fill it out and you are frustrated because none of them are qualified.

I just want to throw this out there, when put in this context and thinking about this logically…If a driver is so desperate for work that he or she is willing to fill out that application before actually talking to me and knowing what my company is about, they might not be the best fit driver for me.

Besides, that application does nothing to tell you about how they will fit in with your culture and if they will be pleasant to work with. Only having a conversation will tell you that.

Marriage Contract Image

Let’s look at a new approach

  1. Driver sees a picture of your truck and a short description about you online

  2. Driver is intrigued and clicks the interested button, or sends you a resume

  3. You immediately reach out via SMS and call to schedule an informal chat (kinda like a first date).

  4. On that first call, you provide some detailed information, get to know the driver a bit, and make sure they are qualified.

  5. THEN…assuming you like them, you send the full DOT application.

As we’ve worked with dozens of companies, switching to this approach helps get more filled apps, fill seats faster with QUALITY drivers, and eventually leads to higher retention rates.

We call this new approach AMP Recruiting™ and has been the foundation for all the fastest growing fleets and fully staffed companies that we’ve had the pleasure of working with, or talking to.

If you want to learn more, or see how it will work for you-


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Easy 4 Step Roadmap To

Double Your Fleet in 2024