Helping Companies Hire The Best Drivers FAST... Guaranteed!

Take control of your perfect recruiting process to consistently grow your fleet without relying on crowded job boards or expensive recruitment agencies.

Helping Companies Hire The Best Drivers FAST... Guaranteed!

Take control of your perfect recruiting process to consistently grow your fleet without relying on crowded job boards or expensive recruitment agencies.

Download Our Rocket Recruiting Template

Easy 4 Step Roadmap To Double Your Fleet in 2024

Download Our Rocket Recruiting Template

Easy 4 Step Roadmap To

Double Your Fleet in 2024

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Access The Entire

Driver Pool

No more relying only on the job boards. Easily access all the drivers in your market by launching ads in minutes that have been proven to work and generate over 80,000 leads.

"It's been just 1 week and we already have 4 interviewed drivers with confirmed interest including a lead driver with 7 others pending in the Savannah area."

Logan P.

Save Time and Focus On Qualified Candidates

Reduce wasted time on unqualified candidates by filtering them out and instantly engage with your qualified candidates. The largest processor of driver applications did a study to find that you are 30% more likely to hire a driver if you respond within 5 minutes. Qualified applicants will show up on your calendar asking you to call them and give them an interview.

“With your system, it does it for us, making our job a little easier. We couldn’t keep up with all the candidates we have without your follow up system. Most of our tenured drivers are because of your follow up system."

Jasmynn F.

Lower Your Cost Per Hire by Building Your Waitlist

As the saying goes, fortune is in the followup.

By building your own company database of drivers and storing it in your system, you have permission to message them at will free of charge because you own this database. Next time you need to fill a position, use your own database rather than relying on someone else’s advertising platform or a crowded job board.

“Robert had a list of 300 drivers built up in his waiting list. Using ALIS, he sent out a message to them and had 25 interviews scheduled almost instantly for free and filled his position in 2 days. "

Access The Entire

Driver Pool

No more relying only on the job boards. Easily access all the drivers in your market by launching ads in minutes that have been proven to work and generate over 80,000 leads.

"It's been just 1 week and we already have 4 interviewed drivers with confirmed interest including a lead driver with 7 others pending in the Savannah area."

Logan P.

Save Time and Focus On Qualified Candidates

Reduce wasted time on unqualified candidates by filtering them out and instantly engage with your qualified candidates. The largest processor of driver applications did a study to find that you are 30% more likely to hire a driver if you respond within 5 minutes. Qualified applicants will show up on your calendar asking you to call them and give them an interview.

“With your system, it does it for us, making our job a little easier. We couldn’t keep up with all the candidates we have without your follow up system. Most of our tenured drivers are because of your follow up system."

Jasmynn F.

Lower Your Cost Per Hire by Building Your Waitlist

As the saying goes, fortune is in the followup.

By building your own company database of drivers and storing it in your system, you have permission to message them at will free of charge because you own this database. Next time you need to fill a position, use your own database rather than relying on someone else’s advertising platform or a crowded job board.

“Robert had a list of 300 drivers built up in his waiting list. Using ALIS, he sent out a message to them and had 25 interviews scheduled almost instantly for free and filled his position in 2 days. "

Latest Blog Posts

3 types of people at mats

The 3 Types Of People in Trucking: Which One Are You?

April 11, 20243 min read

The 3 Types Of People in Trucking: Which One Are You?

We had the chance to have an exhibit at the recent Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS). If you’ve never been there, it is quite the spectacle. And make sure to bring your walking shoes, there’s over 1 Million square feet of exhibitor space.

Throughout the 3 days, we saw and talked to hundreds of people. As I had my long flight home, it occurred to me that there were 3 distinct types of people we talked to, which mirrored the types of people we all meet in our professional lives.

The good news is that I think there’s a lesson to learn from each of them.

The Grumpy Pessimist

Grumpy Pessimist

Picture someone who’s seen it all and believes the old ways are the best ways—except the problem is that those methods are no longer yielding results.

So, rather than embracing change, they blame everyone else, are upset at everyone else, and just aren’t very happy people. Their stubbornness has them stuck in a cycle of frustration, and they're counting down the days to retirement, (if they even can retire).

They don’t hire drivers because “if it’s gonna get done right, it better be me” or because “no-one wants to work these days.”

Then, we meet the Hopeless Beginner

Hopeless Beginner

This person is relatively new to the trucking industry and has likely been influenced by the outdated tactics of the grumpy pessimists. They try, fail, and struggle to find a foothold, which leads to a sense of defeat and resignation before they’ve really got started.

Their narrative often teeters on the edge of giving up and shutting down their business, unable to see a path forward or how to break the cycle of ineffective recruiting strategies.

Lastly, the Confident Professional.

Confident Professional

A beacon of modern efficiency and optimism in the trucking industry. These are the forward-thinkers who have embraced challenges and change including new-age recruiting strategies.

Their attitude leads them to a fully staffed fleet and a clear vision for future growth. Their success is not just in their operational efficiency but in their mindset; they view challenges as opportunities and surround themselves with a team that reflects their drive and commitment to the industry.

As I reflect on these 3 types of people, it’s so funny to me that all of them are in the same industry facing the same challenges - but one says no-one wants to to work and hates the industry, while the other is grateful for their drivers, and enjoying life because they don’t have to do everything themselves.

So ask yourself, which bucket would you fall into?

What sets these confident professionals apart?
We’ve been fortunate enough to work with and talk to dozens of confident professionals in regards to recruiting and they all follow a similar pattern hence the reason for the advice of “Success leaves clues.”

Whether they work with us or not, the recruiting efforts they use can be summed up in what we call AMP Recruiting™. This is a method proven to overstaff your fleet and amplify the best part of the recruiting process which is YOU, the recruiter or company owner.

SO…How will you show up this week?
Each week and each day, we have a choice of how we will show up - which type of attitude we will adopt. As it turns out, none of us were born and stuck in one of these buckets. We can choose the attitude of a confident professional this week.

To learn more about AMP Recruiting™ Read our last post by


And if you want help implementing it, we can help just


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Latest Blog Posts

3 types of people at mats

The 3 Types Of People in Trucking: Which One Are You?

April 11, 20243 min read

The 3 Types Of People in Trucking: Which One Are You?

We had the chance to have an exhibit at the recent Mid-America Trucking Show (MATS). If you’ve never been there, it is quite the spectacle. And make sure to bring your walking shoes, there’s over 1 Million square feet of exhibitor space.

Throughout the 3 days, we saw and talked to hundreds of people. As I had my long flight home, it occurred to me that there were 3 distinct types of people we talked to, which mirrored the types of people we all meet in our professional lives.

The good news is that I think there’s a lesson to learn from each of them.

The Grumpy Pessimist

Grumpy Pessimist

Picture someone who’s seen it all and believes the old ways are the best ways—except the problem is that those methods are no longer yielding results.

So, rather than embracing change, they blame everyone else, are upset at everyone else, and just aren’t very happy people. Their stubbornness has them stuck in a cycle of frustration, and they're counting down the days to retirement, (if they even can retire).

They don’t hire drivers because “if it’s gonna get done right, it better be me” or because “no-one wants to work these days.”

Then, we meet the Hopeless Beginner

Hopeless Beginner

This person is relatively new to the trucking industry and has likely been influenced by the outdated tactics of the grumpy pessimists. They try, fail, and struggle to find a foothold, which leads to a sense of defeat and resignation before they’ve really got started.

Their narrative often teeters on the edge of giving up and shutting down their business, unable to see a path forward or how to break the cycle of ineffective recruiting strategies.

Lastly, the Confident Professional.

Confident Professional

A beacon of modern efficiency and optimism in the trucking industry. These are the forward-thinkers who have embraced challenges and change including new-age recruiting strategies.

Their attitude leads them to a fully staffed fleet and a clear vision for future growth. Their success is not just in their operational efficiency but in their mindset; they view challenges as opportunities and surround themselves with a team that reflects their drive and commitment to the industry.

As I reflect on these 3 types of people, it’s so funny to me that all of them are in the same industry facing the same challenges - but one says no-one wants to to work and hates the industry, while the other is grateful for their drivers, and enjoying life because they don’t have to do everything themselves.

So ask yourself, which bucket would you fall into?

What sets these confident professionals apart?
We’ve been fortunate enough to work with and talk to dozens of confident professionals in regards to recruiting and they all follow a similar pattern hence the reason for the advice of “Success leaves clues.”

Whether they work with us or not, the recruiting efforts they use can be summed up in what we call AMP Recruiting™. This is a method proven to overstaff your fleet and amplify the best part of the recruiting process which is YOU, the recruiter or company owner.

SO…How will you show up this week?
Each week and each day, we have a choice of how we will show up - which type of attitude we will adopt. As it turns out, none of us were born and stuck in one of these buckets. We can choose the attitude of a confident professional this week.

To learn more about AMP Recruiting™ Read our last post by


And if you want help implementing it, we can help just


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Easy 4 Step Roadmap To

Double Your Fleet in 2024