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Learn expert strategies to run your company more effectively with the articles on this blog.

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sledding vs snowboarding 2

Sledding vs. Snowboarding and Your Recruiting

May 08, 20244 min read

Recruitment strategies for truck drivers can vary widely, but the difference between a haphazard approach and a structured strategy often spells the difference between success and failure in meeting your driver needs.

Relying solely on word-of-mouth is like sledding down a steep hill without any means to steer—it's thrilling until you realize you have little control over your destination.

Implementing a structured recruiting approach is more like snowboarding where you can still move fast, and more importantly, you can end up exactly where you want to be.

Sledding and Snowboarding

The Perils of "Sledding" in Truck Driver Recruitment

Relying solely on word-of-mouth for recruiting truck drivers can often feel like an exciting downhill sledding adventure—cheap, fast, fun, and seemingly effortless. However, much like sledding, this method comes with significant risks due to its unpredictable and uncontrollable nature.

Word-of-mouth recruitment relies heavily on the networks of current employees. While this can bring you some great drivers, it often results in inconsistency. You might get a flood of candidates one month and none the next, making it difficult to meet ongoing staffing needs.

Word-of-mouth also naturally limits your reach to the immediate network of those sharing the job opportunity. This can exclude potentially excellent candidates who are outside of these networks, narrowing your pool of applicants and increasing the time it takes to fill vacancies.

Long story short, if you want to bid on new lanes with confidence and systematically grow your fleet, you cannot rely solely on word of mouth due to inconsistency and limited reach.

The "Snowboarding" Approach: Controlling Your Recruiting Destiny

Switching from an unstructured, word-of-mouth recruitment approach to a structured, systematic strategy is like swapping a sled for a snowboard. With a snowboard (and a little practice), you have control to speed up, slow down, and steer to get exactly where you want to go.

This brings a few primary benefits with it:

  • Predictability and Scalability: A structured recruiting system is kind of like a faucet on your sink. If you need more candidate flow, you open up the faucet more. If you want to slow it down, you just turn the faucet back down. The idea is that you can control exactly what you need based on your company’s growth phase.

  • Enhanced Quality of Hires: By having a constant flow of new candidates and implementing standard screening procedures, you can maintain high standards across all hires because you don’t have to compromise on driver safety just to keep the wheels turning. You know that you have another candidate coming in tomorrow allowing you to operate with more confidence.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: With a structured approach, you can collect data at each step of the recruitment process. This will allow you to identify bottlenecks that can be improved with the ultimate aim to hire more drivers for the same or less money invested.

By mastering a "snowboarding" approach to recruiting, you gain control over your recruitment destiny, steering your organization towards greater stability and success.

How This Affects Your Bottom Line

In a recent survey we performed with 2,715 trucking companies, we found that 178% more companies had open seats when they DID NOT have a defined process and system for recruiting when compared to those that did have a process.

The stats show it - if you want to increase your likelihood of having a profitable, smooth running fleet, you need to have a process and system defined for recruiting.

AMP Recruiting™ - The Best Method for Overstaffing Your Fleet

We’ve designed the best method for recruiting, balancing the need for an abundance of leads with the need for highly qualified drivers.

We call it AMP Recruiting™ which stands for Attract, Micro-Interview, Process. It focuses on casting a wide net to get in front of all drivers in your area, then filtering these leads down to where you are only spending significant time with the highest quality drivers.


If you're ready to take control of your recruitment strategy and ensure a steady flow of qualified truck drivers, consider exploring further into AMP Recruiting™ with us. Implementing this approach could be the key to transforming your recruitment outcomes and steering your company towards greater success.

If you want to learn more, or see how it will work for you-


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Easy 4 Step Roadmap To

Double Your Fleet in 2024

sledding vs snowboarding 2

Sledding vs. Snowboarding and Your Recruiting

May 08, 20244 min read

Recruitment strategies for truck drivers can vary widely, but the difference between a haphazard approach and a structured strategy often spells the difference between success and failure in meeting your driver needs.

Relying solely on word-of-mouth is like sledding down a steep hill without any means to steer—it's thrilling until you realize you have little control over your destination.

Implementing a structured recruiting approach is more like snowboarding where you can still move fast, and more importantly, you can end up exactly where you want to be.

Sledding and Snowboarding

The Perils of "Sledding" in Truck Driver Recruitment

Relying solely on word-of-mouth for recruiting truck drivers can often feel like an exciting downhill sledding adventure—cheap, fast, fun, and seemingly effortless. However, much like sledding, this method comes with significant risks due to its unpredictable and uncontrollable nature.

Word-of-mouth recruitment relies heavily on the networks of current employees. While this can bring you some great drivers, it often results in inconsistency. You might get a flood of candidates one month and none the next, making it difficult to meet ongoing staffing needs.

Word-of-mouth also naturally limits your reach to the immediate network of those sharing the job opportunity. This can exclude potentially excellent candidates who are outside of these networks, narrowing your pool of applicants and increasing the time it takes to fill vacancies.

Long story short, if you want to bid on new lanes with confidence and systematically grow your fleet, you cannot rely solely on word of mouth due to inconsistency and limited reach.

The "Snowboarding" Approach: Controlling Your Recruiting Destiny

Switching from an unstructured, word-of-mouth recruitment approach to a structured, systematic strategy is like swapping a sled for a snowboard. With a snowboard (and a little practice), you have control to speed up, slow down, and steer to get exactly where you want to go.

This brings a few primary benefits with it:

  • Predictability and Scalability: A structured recruiting system is kind of like a faucet on your sink. If you need more candidate flow, you open up the faucet more. If you want to slow it down, you just turn the faucet back down. The idea is that you can control exactly what you need based on your company’s growth phase.

  • Enhanced Quality of Hires: By having a constant flow of new candidates and implementing standard screening procedures, you can maintain high standards across all hires because you don’t have to compromise on driver safety just to keep the wheels turning. You know that you have another candidate coming in tomorrow allowing you to operate with more confidence.

  • Data-Driven Decision Making: With a structured approach, you can collect data at each step of the recruitment process. This will allow you to identify bottlenecks that can be improved with the ultimate aim to hire more drivers for the same or less money invested.

By mastering a "snowboarding" approach to recruiting, you gain control over your recruitment destiny, steering your organization towards greater stability and success.

How This Affects Your Bottom Line

In a recent survey we performed with 2,715 trucking companies, we found that 178% more companies had open seats when they DID NOT have a defined process and system for recruiting when compared to those that did have a process.

The stats show it - if you want to increase your likelihood of having a profitable, smooth running fleet, you need to have a process and system defined for recruiting.

AMP Recruiting™ - The Best Method for Overstaffing Your Fleet

We’ve designed the best method for recruiting, balancing the need for an abundance of leads with the need for highly qualified drivers.

We call it AMP Recruiting™ which stands for Attract, Micro-Interview, Process. It focuses on casting a wide net to get in front of all drivers in your area, then filtering these leads down to where you are only spending significant time with the highest quality drivers.


If you're ready to take control of your recruitment strategy and ensure a steady flow of qualified truck drivers, consider exploring further into AMP Recruiting™ with us. Implementing this approach could be the key to transforming your recruitment outcomes and steering your company towards greater success.

If you want to learn more, or see how it will work for you-


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Easy 4 Step Roadmap To Double Your Fleet in 2024